Judith Henslee

Judith Henslee holds a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas in Austin. Mrs. Henslee is the co-founder and executive director of the Southwest SIDS Research Institute.

She is the co-author of publications on sleep physiology and on grieving and healing. She served on a NICHD committee establishing SIDS research goals and an American Thoracic Society subcommittee on infant monitoring. Mrs. Henslee has been a member of many boards, associations, and training and education teams. She is currently involved in expanded risk reduction outreach in multiple metropolitan areas. She has been co-recipient of the President’s Volunteer Action Award in 1987 and was named Outstanding Young Alumni at Baylor University. She has been an invited speaker at local, national, and international conferences.

Mrs. Henslee is a wife and mother of 5 children. She enjoys raising, riding, and showing horses, playing with her dogs and cats, and sharing time with her grandchildren. She has a passion for animals and feels they add a wonderful, rewarding aspect to her life. Contact info: judyhenslee@gmail.com

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